Monday, March 3, 2025

Look at the Lord Jesus Christ - Hymn

1. Look at the Lord Jesus Christ Mounted on the white horse in heaven
Clad in the red royal robe King of kings and Lord of lords.
He will judge, fight against sin Who has sealed us as His soldier.
He is holy and true Word of our God and Our Lord Savior.

2. Strong evil power of the world Threatens us in our daily life
We armed with true Words of God Fight against it with assurance.
We will fight when Jesus asks As one sealed by Lord, Jesus Christ.
Let us follow as He leads us our way, Clad in white robe.

3. Blessed are we when we sing And adore Him with joyous song.
Into the Lambs wedding feast We are all invited to come.
He gives us white shining robe As we lived a life of service.
God will take us to sit in at the wedding, Glory to God.

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