Sunday, February 16, 2025

Old Time Religion - Hymn Lyrics

Give me that old time religion,
Give me that old time religion,
Give me that old time religion,
It's good enough for me.

1. It was good for Paul and Silas,
It was good for Paul and Silas,
It was good for Paul and Silas,
It's good enough for me. 

2. It was good for the Hebrew children,
It was good for the Hebrew children,
It was good for the Hebrew children,
It's good enough for me. 

3. It was good for our mothers,
It was good for our mothers,
It was good for our mothers,
It's good enough for me.

4. Makes me love ev'rybody,
Makes me love ev'rybody,
Makes me love ev'rybody,
It's good enough for me. 

"Old-Time Religion" is a traditional gospel song that dates back to at least the 19th century. It is a well-known spiritual that emphasizes a simple, unwavering faith in God, often associated with revival meetings and camp meetings in the American South.

Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 6:16, Romans 8:32, 2 Timothy 1:5, Hebrews 6:18-19

  • Celebrates traditional Christian faith, emphasizing its enduring value across generations.
  • Simple, repetitive structure made it easy to sing in congregations, especially during revivals.
  • Mentions biblical figures (Paul and Silas) to affirm that the same faith from the Bible is still relevant today.

Historical Background

  • Believed to have originated in the late 19th century and became popular during the early 20th century in the Holiness and Pentecostal movements.
  • First published in J.B.T. Marsh’s collection (1873), with connections to African American spirituals.
  • Often performed in call-and-response style, making it a staple in traditional gospel music.

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